Thursday, January 28, 2010

Motion Capture

Just about to go pick up the compiled data from my motion capture session this previous Tuesday. Hopefully there wont be too much that needs to be tweaked in MotionBuilder. We shall see.

Should be able to post some playblasts of the data in the coming days, so stay tuned.

Monday, January 4, 2010

For real this time...

This is the final version of my main character. He's been done for a while now, but i'm not really all that into this whole blog thing, so I forgot about it for the last month or so... oops. I went back and took some of the advice I got about the overly graphic style of the mask and re-worked it to better fit in with the visual style I am going for. I also refined some of the musculature on the figure (see his back). C&C welcome as always.